index maui
MAUI 2012.Mar

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Here is the first place that Linda and I stayed at several years ago.Nice to revisit...

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The first ocean view...
We knew that we would come back.

Hear are the only beaches that have a little seaweed. Still much less than back home.Lots of turtles last time. I counted about 15 here.

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The banyan flowers are starting to smell so good. And it is only March.

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And some are pink!

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This bird was part of a flock across from Safeway, near the community pool.I have not seen this kind before...

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We attended church here in Kehi. Very pleasant: the ocean breeze came through the upper part of the walls, and the birds outsidechirped all through our singing. The ocean waves are just outside the church, and the temperature is perfect.And you can hear the russel of the palm leaves as they sway.Some members of the congregation wear no shoes. And if you look, the piano player presses the pedals barefooted.Linda and I came to know many members, and they are just like you and me, from different places back on the mainland.But you will witness a different mind set here: Peaceful and pleasant from a "far away" time; mixed witha personal experience of an earlier carefree childhood, complete with barefoot feet and fresh wonders.Paradise can best be seen through the eyes of a child.I love this place!

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Picture of a Gecko at the Plantation. Nothing special. They are all over the place.

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Fun to watch the planes come in...

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This is how people act back on the mainland: so intense! Maybe this thing flew in from there - a tourist.

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Evidently there are no engineers to keep the wind turbines going.Some turn ever so slowly, some are pointed the wrong way.

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