My system is similar to the CAN system in that dominance is established by bit patterns.
Dozens of devices can talk at the same time, and through the cacophony one device will complete its
packet unblemished. The others will wait with variable lengths of times, always a few milliseconds, to retransmitted.
My system is asynchronous. There is no need for cadence, and that makes it simple and rugged.
However, all devices must decide on the same baud speed, and over the years I have decided for them:
It is 4800 BPS. Also the wires must support at least twice the operating baud speed.
I accomplish communication and collision recovery and all of the other functions with just one PIC.
Normally you must use dedicated communication chips to handle just this one task. It is remarkable
that it is all done with one chip. I have a great deal of praise for Microchip.
I probably was not the first to invent this type of system, but my success is mine alone.
In fact, I am reluctant to share my years of work in this area. I love my system. It works great.