the object of what is to be controlled
The object is to control this switcher from a remote location without computers. A remote panel is all that is required.
This is probably the dumbest unit that I have built. It does no thinking. The Unit simply transforms a button push into a
packet of information, and delivers the information to a microwave path.
But it qualifies as part of my systems because it operates through one of my system's nets. Once the net has the extracted the payload,
the switching module recognizes the information, and acts on it.
Remote sending unit is only a box with some push button switches. This remote unit transmits a non-return-to-zero packet at 2400BPS to a remote net. The remote net strips the "PAYLOAD" and
delivers to the Remote Net. The Remote Net routes to the GVG Switcher. The PIC serves as both a switch input and a modem.
Of course this same switcher is controled also with a computer screen, both locally and at another (computer
equiped) remote site.