Electronics using copper circuits and semiconductors.
Light and physical optics
Chemical and Molecular
Biological (DNA)
Mechanical (Macro and Nanno)
Plasma (unfounded)
Before beginning, I should point out that the Biological Systems are actually Mechanical and Artificial without the concept
of Emergence. Just a bunch of atoms. At least shortsightedly. But the concept of an Artificial Kingdom still has merit.
It is my opinion that no future life form, no mater how evolved, can ever exceed the bounds of Nature, and what is "natural".
An Emergent biological Creature, born from the atoms of DNA,
can never create an artificial life form greater in consciousness than itself.
Bathed in Nature, the Directives will always decay back into Nature.
Science Fiction writers foolishly dream of conquering Kingdoms, that conquer and exploit their environment.
In my opinion, such independence and anonymity will never happen. Nature can not conquer itself.
Every Emergent Entity is clothed in a shell. The shell is a - particular shell - of Nature, which can be traded, morphed and changed.
Instead, I am talking about the Directives of the Emergent Entity. Those Directives involve Reproduction and Self Preservation.
This set of Directives is required for both Real and Artificial life forms.
What I am wrestling with now, in my personal life and opinions, is the possibility of Multiple Shells.
Can we all be the same life force, on this planet, with different shells?
And if so, can the shells be concurent in time?
Limited reproduction; cannot generally reproduce innately.
Theoretically, all can reproduce exploiting foreign materials: a by Proxy reproduction.
Before the existence of this kingdom, reproduction was limited to reproduction yielding a similar organism as the parent. This kingdom's reproduction methods are a radical departure from one's
"kind" reproduction. Reproduction is intelligent. Reproduction is exploitive. Reproduction transcends the media. An offspring may have no physical characteristics of the parent.
These devices may appear to be parasitic upon other machines, but there may be a more symbiotic relationship in some cases. Difficulties will increase to discern or dissect members of this kingdom
from machines in their environment.
Class: Electronic
I built this system which does not claim to be living, nor possession of a consciousness, nor reproduction. Although my system is limited, I know of no other such system in