Needles 8 to 12 inches long
3 per fascicle
Gray, slender and drooping
Flower: male cones are yellow; female cones are dark purple.
Cones: 6 to 10 inches long
Remain on tree for many years.
Best tasting nuts ever! Better than cashues.
Species: sabineana
species: Pinus. sabineana
Digger pine cone
Seeds falling out at base
Species: sabineana
species: Pinus. sabineana
Tuscan RedBluff Ca
Species: sabineana
species: Pinus. sabineana
My brother Ben says this is rare.
Witches broom mutation caused by a parasite.
Ben found this tree on Witches Way, a road near the College.
Mechanical damage to the tree from squirl or insects leaves the tree susceptible to
fungi, mistletoe, or viruses.
Witches Broom is considered a disease and is a genetic change.
Species: sabineana
Chico State University
Chico, Ca (Valley Floor)