The Last, "Holy Last".
God creates the last animal, humans, in the 27th verse.
27% of the Earth is land. The water was first, then the land.
Hebrew alphabet has 27 letters. The foundation of the Word.
The Twenty-Seven Club is a club for celebrities who died at age 27 including Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison.
The Last.
The last earth planet Uranus has 27 moons.
The sun rotates on its axis every 27 days, and the moon circles the Earth every 27 days.
The diameter of the moon is approximately 27% of the Earth.
Cobalt is the 27th element
In 17 AD, to celebrate the Secular Games,
Emperor Augustus commissioned Carmen Saeculare, a hymn by Horace,
sang by twenty-seven boys and twenty-seven girls.
The Roman Empire was formed in 27 BC by Augustus after Julius Caesar’s assassination.
Book 27 of Proverbs has 27 verses.
The New Testament contains 27 books. It ends the Bible. The Old is the first, and the New is the Last.
The final book, 27, is Revelation, the end.
On a keyboard, the key to escape or get out, is ascii-27.