Pictographic to cuneiform script (pictographs to syllabograms) evolved to phonetic characters and
then to "spelling out" of words at about 1500BC in Palestine. (Aramaic alphabet)
Simplification began with assigning phonetic values to already established hieroglyphs.
Pictograms already represented whole words.
What evolved was a whole pictogram could stand for the sound of the first letter of it's word.
For example, the Semitic name for an ox was "Aleph"; Therefor the hieroglyph for Aleph became the sound-of-"A.": a character.
A phonetic character!
The Semitic name for a tent or dwelling was "Beth". And so the hieroglyph for Beth became the character for the sound of "B."
This process continued until a series of 22 pictograms had been chosen to represent 22 essential sounds in the spoken language.
The spoken language took precedence. The written language yielded to the spoken language (except for vowels).
Aural traditions extracted implicit vowels (not seen or written).
Huge spelling problems developed with words that sounded the same (puns).
26 Character Masiliana 700BC
24 Character runic AD
Superstition surrounds most early alphabets.
For example, the 24 runes of the runic alphabet attributed each character with a divinatory sense and a magical power.
And to complicate things further, numbers and letters were synonymous - where ages ago - one ment the other.
Hebrew: 22 Letters, 27 numerical Characters
Hebrew: Alpha characters are the same as numerical characters.
Mathematical operations can easily be employed with numbers.
Of course, Numbers lend themselves to this aim.
Numerics facilitate a logical method for products, combinations and permutations of these mystical characters.
A Mystical property performed double duty, not just communication. There was utter reverence to the written word.
Ages ago, The twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet were the breath of God
and produced an idealized world: a vision of the world.
The world later to be congealed and formed. Mere Mystical characters had powers in a real existence and physical development.
By means of these elements the actual (physical) creation of the world took place.
(See the section on what my father taught me, concerning evolution and entropy.)
"22Letters... God drew them, hewed them, combined them, weighed them, interchanged them,
and through them produced the whole creation and everything that is destined to come into being" (Hebrew Book Sefirot ii. 2).
Phoenicians did not use the letters of their alphabet for purposes of numeration.
The Greeks, who derived their alphabet from them, did so in the 5th century BC.
Greek alphabet consists of nine mutes, eight semivowels, and seven vowels. All with numerical counterparts.
Greek arithmetical notation: eight letters are used to denote units, eight tens, and eight hundreds: total 888
The Greek alphabet shared the numerical corelation of the Hebrews,
but not so much the special character inspiration of which the Hebrews felt so privileged.
Mysteriously, special inspiration still permeated the Greek language, undiminished. Why did this property transcend the language?
The specific language must be immaterial! It is all in the Numbers!
No numbers are physical, and all are contrivances of the mind, and all merely transcend into the world of the real and physical.
Catagories of usage
Numbers fall into four catagories of usage.
Numerative, Enumeration, Ordinal:
As in Counting using Order.
As in Placement and Rank.
As in Position; signifying Location.
As used in mathematical indexing.
As used in a defcon level
Ordinals are integers only.
I do not think that I will make a seperate catagory for Integers because Integers implies the ordinal property.
No, I will go ahead and include it. Its important.
A discrete value
A bounded value
A defined mathematical quantum.
In everyday life, Analog numbers are routinely digitized in the brain to become integers.
It is convenient. It is a common usage.
It is a grey area when a Digitized Analog number becomes an Integer number;
Because an Integer can function as an Analog in practise, in an application.
It is an extremely important function in industry for an Integer to function as an Analog.
Pliable Analog:
Quantify, Cardinality:
As in Scientific Measuring.
As used in mathematical formulas, relations, and equations.
As used as continuous values of abstract quantities or notions.
All these numbers are scientifically complete,
and are two dimensional, and lay in a contrived plane.
These complex numbers, for human convenience, are displayed as single variables;
a notation denoting a dual property of a number. These numbers are most beautiful.
Like squeezing a water balloon in the hand, a single perspective can not describe it.
Simple Analog:
Quantify, Cardinality:
As in Scientific Measuring.
Common shorthand numbers.
As used in mathematical formulas, relations, and equations.
As used as continuous values of abstract quantities or notions.
These numbers are ONE dimensional, and can be layed in a line.
These numbers can be further broken down into Digitals and Integers, which I have put in a different category.
These numbers are the most common, most intuitive, and the most used in everyday life.
As on the doors of race cars.
As in naming a runner or basketball player.
As Bar Codes.
As in Color Codes.
As a reference to unrelated attributes.
As a Logic Class in computer programing
As a Mathematical Variable in an equation.
Labels do not - in any way - have to be faithful reproductions of a number to be a Label.
In fact, they can be a color or mark.
They can also be a letter, character, or symbol.
Nor do they have to pertain to any specific base of numbers. For example base 2 binary, or Roman numerals.
And can be any design. Labels do not necessarily relate to order or sequence or magnitude.
And Labels can span one or more catagories.
For example in electronics, the color Black means "zero", and Brown means "one", Red means "two", etc, according to the color spectrum.
Here a Label, the Color part; is representing a digital Value, or digital quantity.
Innate Significance
As in Personality
As in to "paint" or "clothe" a number with special significance,
As to have additional attributes in a context.
As a Modifier. Similar to an adverb or adjective.
This last category is the oldest in human history,
but for me is the newest in terms of acknowledgement and understanding.
I have conceived a way to span dimensions: Entanglement.
Entanglement may be contained innately in numbers. Can this be so?
Numbers in this category may be Entangled.
Or if not Entangled, an Innate number, may be like a complex imaginary number;
But instead of two dimensions, there are three.
I propose that numbers that our biological brains can understand, are a tiny primitive subset.
The numbers that we can imagine are only the tip of a larger iceberg-number.
These numbers are almost intrinsically alive, and can not be analysed by modern mathematics or computers.
Today, every number can be represented in a plane, with a real and imaginary component.
It is even worse: Today, the average human uses the one dimensional ordinal numbers for everything.
In evolution, it is not necessary to see imaginary numbers for survival. Evolution says use it or loose it.
So what is this magical or superstitious number? The ancients seem to have used it continually, in every single culture, spaning many thousands of years.
I was introduced to the concept of hidden numerical meaning when I was a young boy by a book of Del a and Jerry Lucas.
At the time, I considered the work too complicated and too "mystical". I must give credit to these two men as hitting on something,
and it does not matter if their own interpretation on Numerology is right or wrong.
The world is full of random events. Random events are ran by Entropy. But - seemingly magically - Negative Entropy "Emerges" out of chaos.
An individual life, a baby human, is an example. A new thing, greater than its parts, and not decayed.
Our lifeform can only see and measure physical things and physical energy. We can only see Creation.
That Creation is formed from Numbers. And we use those numbers to measure Creation. The physical world is measured from an abstract construct: Numbers.
My idea: Why are Numbers constrained to live in our physical world. They do not live there, they visit there. They are conceived in consciousness.
I personally believe that there are tools, not made of steel, that exist only in Consciousness.
And, according to the ancients, ARE Consciousness in some ways.
That is the category of numbers that I will study.
Also, before I begin, I should mention that ancients numbered the planets in the solar system differently than today.
Do to unknown reasons, the ancients had the correct order. In all religions, the ancients spent a lot of time looking at the heavens at night.
Here is the Old Order:
For an example in old numbering...
Consider a massive binary star system.
A hypothetical Sun number 1 has a planet in orbit.
Assume Sun number 1 is less massive than Sun number 2.
However, the combined mass of Sun-1 plus the mass of its planet is greater that the mass of Sun-2.
Now for the criteria!...
The orbit of Sun-1 about the epicenter is less than the orbit of Sun-2 around the epicenter.
Therefore Sun-1 is number "One".
And its planet; "1.1".
Sun-2 is number "two".
Unknowingly, this is the criteria for numbering before humans: the radius!
The numbering is so important.
Now for our solar system...
The suns radius or "wabble" is the smallest; at always less than about a few hundred thousand miles.
The next object out is Mercury, representing number "Two". ...and so on.
Therefore, here is the numbering for our solar system according to the radius:
1) Sun
2) Mercury
3) Venus
4) Earth
5) Mars
6) Jupiter
7) Saturn
8) Uranus
As you can see, the planets are numbered differently than this today.
(Today, Mercury is number "One".)
Why? Mainly because of the planets are defined as a separate class.
I do not know what a "planet" is. In my opinion, it is a stupid concept.
This was the order of lit objects in the sky in folklore and before cuneiform writing.
With the solar system, other numbering systems are theoretically possible: such as Velocity or Mass, but I don't believe these are substantiated in folklore.
The combination of velocity and mass together give the Radius, and naturally contains these other ingredients.
It is obvious and it is quite "visual" being viewed from many parsecs away.
The numbering of the planets is particularly important in old folklore and superstition.
My point is the folklore makes no sence with todays numbering. With that out of the way, perhaps I can begin.
Supernatural Events
I do not know if I want to go here; it is so far "out there", in a land of superstition.
I am not sure of it, and there is no way to know:
There are no axioms, postulates, or methods. There are no tools.
Rulers, despite beautiful intent, are constructed in a dream. And statements are free floating with no orientation.
Statements stand naked with no reference, and in fact with no roots or substance, dissolve away as in a dream.
Reality is always expressed in a human simulation, physically located in a human scull.
Reality is only a pertinent shorthand, an indigenous reality.
There is a reason that I should not go here: All early cultures assigned emotional attributes to things.
When in fact, nature does not give a damn if you live or die. Nothing personal.
The same for numbers: Mathematics, like nature, has stripped superstition away, leaving a sober discipline.
It is a good thing that I am not burdened with a reputation.
A man of science has no place in this land. But I will go a ways. Atleast a ways.
First, the lay of the land, and subjective appearances...
My proud and infallible science is second to none, for it is the basis for all that is known by the new modern man.
It haughtily transports me around a bend, and dares to address, and point toward God.
As a man of physics and science, I know that this is a serious mistake.
(Judges 13:22) "We are doomed to die!" he said to his wife. "We have seen God!"
(Deuteronomy 18:16) "Let us not hear the voice of the LORD our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die."
(Exodus 33:20) "You cannot see my face, for no one may see Me and live."
(Isaiah 45:9) Does the clay say to the potter, What are you making?
But then again, perhaps my friends and theologians are right: "Our eyes will be opened!"
In fact, these very words, were said before, with the dawn of man in the Garden.
Now with science and such powerful tools and understanding, we will be as gods!
We will not surely die. We will not die anymore, and we will figure out how to live forever.
That is the promise of the beautiful creature of silver words and logic.
Its is obvious. It is just around the corner, in human development.
I wrote a program on my computer to display dots of random colors. The dots represent random numbers.
The dots may also represent random events. Idealy there will be no patterns.
Before I tell you were I am going with this, indulge me to digress a little...
In 1990 I made stereoscopic pictures, by using an ordinary camera.
First by taking a picture; then displacing the camera left or right about three inches (the distance of human eyes)
and taking another picture. I developed my own viewer to see the two slides. The viewer was at the
reception desk of KHSL for visitors to see while they waited. My viewer was held together with rubber bands,
and people would have to face the sun-filled window to see beautiful 3-D screens. Slides are so vivid and realistic
when compared to pictures. When combined with the 3-D effect it is no wonder that guests were fascinated.
To visitors, they were just pretty screens. But to me, there was more.
I then wrote a computer program to display stereoscopic effects using ONE picture...
There is no viewing apparatus. And this of course is viewed by focusing at a distance closer than the picture.
Actually the focal point of each eye is still exactly on a picture,
it is just not the same picture.
OK, getting back to random numbers...
In a field of random events, take notice of an arbitrary group of events (pixels). The group is
composed of random events that came from a field of random events. Then copy the group of random
events to the right.
This is how I made stereoscopic pictures of "invisible" random patterns.
Visually superimpose the two squares by crossing your eyes. You will see a third square that is closer to you.
Without loosing focus, carefully notice the larger section below. And now see the "hidden" events.
(It happens to be another square, but I could have made it bicycles or trees or anything.)
What your eyes can not see, your brain CAN see.
The very act of consciously noticing or selecting random events changes them in your brain.
Making the events no longer "random".
In this simple example a computer can easily detect this, just
as the human brain does.
A larger computer can detect more complex mappings and transformations: Something commensurate with daily events.
Such anomalies would not be "inspirational". They would be necessarily logical in a statistical sence.
This whole section on numbers is of the inspirational type, and is outside the normal realm of scientific study.
Science only deals with the Past and the Future, and neither exists in Super Reality.
Both are only contrivances of the human brain, or a machine.
And what is worse, mathematical equations generally do not indicate Time, or progression of events, or Entropy.
But there are places where time does not exists, such as with Black Holes and subatomic collisions.
There is no Past or Future here. There waits an observer to "Materialize" something.
Once something is observed, it now has a history and a past and a place.
And with equations it has a Future too.
It was such a simple thing in the front lobby of KHSL-TV: Two plastic viewers tied together with a rubber band.
Visitors could see stereoscopic views of my plants, and random dots that were not random.
And when I would see visitors marveling at my pretty pictures,
I knew inside that they did not see what I saw.
What they saw was Broadcasting and trivial sights and sounds.
What I saw was a strange fact: that an observer can create something.
Sense an observer can influence things,
I fear there may be some liability here...
I truly hate metaphysical crap.
Perhaps; just perhaps...
The events are subjective to a conscious viewer.
The viewer can impart inspiration upon the events.
Just by being viewed!
In the example above, You did not have to move the group of random pixels. You only had to notice them.
You did not have to circle them with a pencil, you only had to specify them in your mind. As long
as there is an alternate representation in your brain - they are forever physically different.
It is not easy to determine what random events changes what. For example a traveler may take notice of
water in an oasis as a choice. Or the water in the oasis (more appropriately the sight of water) may cause changes in the brain of the traveler.
It does not matter which is which: Conciousness of an event will change that event.
Conciousness of an event will change that event!
I wish I had been given a parable to help understand this notion of mine...
A parable is an earthly story that has a heavenly meaning.
Parables have an immediate placement in one plane and have a "shadow" or parallel meaning in another.
Parables are a means for people to understand unseen realms.
Parallels and parables transcend many levels, and it is my contention here, that they
are majestic ways that God can communicate with us.
We stand in the shadow of a Great Creator; We are images of something Else.
Our consciousness affects other planes of which we are not aware.
Here is why:
Our physical world necessarily yields an extremely limited perspective.
We are genetically programed to live in a world of only a few needed dimensions.
Nature harshly dictates that we need to smell, see, touch, and so on.
If not - we die! And no longer exist.
And our brains need to model in the three spatial
dimensions. We know these dimensions on such a overwhelming personal and
intimate level.
If not - we die!
Evolution waists nothing.
Evolution demands: "Use it, or loose it!"
We are imprisoned: If we don't need it for survival or reproduction,
then, sadly, we do not have it.
There is so much more out there, and we can not see it.
(At least we can not see it with our two round eyeballs.)
Negative Entropy in the World of Plants...
(Negative Entropy is "order".)
The plants in this picture did not "naturally" grow that way.
And the plants themselves have no knowledge of their "arrangement".
Even if the plants could be like people and have
instruments of incredible precision.
And could know the exact placement of every plant down to the millimeter.
And know the exact time that a gardener came and planted each to the millisecond.
Still, they will not perceive of the higher order!
All of our fine instruments are necessarily microscopic. And is by diffenition.
I propose that this scene is duplicated around us everyday -
as if WE are the plants!
We are talking about - literally - another world. A macroscopic World.
In this present world, all we have is Entropy (disorder).
At present, the meager understandings of Entropy is very shallow.
The true forces behind the scenes of Entropy are barely registered in the consciousness of most humans,
and consequently,
are neglected in scientific study, in favor of objective reality.
Rain falls and things rot. We are so used to it; so why question it?
Even our ancient ancestors had a better feel for it.
A good scientist, if he is doing his job correctly, will ignore
coincidences that are not duplicatable. This is the mantra of science.
But such restrictions can be like blinders on a horse.
Getting back to the picture...
There are no plants in existence that have "no-reason" for their being,
biologically speaking.
And yet - none without a "higher" beauty in another realm;
A realm of conciousness.
The evolution of plants is easily seen with our analytical eyes.
And has great technical precision.
But the inspiration that uses and works through evolution is not, and can not be measured.
Perhaps that is the problem:
It can not be seen through the eyes, but only by FIRST seeing through the heart.
If the heart is used, then the physical eyes can see clearly.
Great men have wrestled with this - and failed.
Einstein said that "God did not play with dice."
But he was wrong,
God DOES play with dice!
Or more accurately: A Creation God does play with dice today.
Sir Issac Newton played with magic numbers - and also probably failed.
...And still, with all these failures, they remain my heros.
I love this emotionally charged picture; I can not stop talking about it...
Jeremiah 9:
Oh, that my head were a spring of water
and my eyes a fountain of tears!
I would weep day and night
for the slain of my people.
"Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from." (Copyright - Robert Spanring)
Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from.
(Copyright Robert Spanring, National Geographic )
I may have to come back and modify this page because, for now, I must get on
with the many pages that follow. They alone will dictate the content on the immediate page;
the later forming the former. It is an adventure for me too.
Not that the adventure is without perils...
Many passages of the bible warning of:
False Visions, Divinations, and Delusions of ones own mind.